

【VBA】Twitter お題「ねこちゃんの数を数える」を解いてみた

Twitter で、ほえほえ氏から提示されたお題「ねこちゃんの数を数える」を解いてみた。


take 1からtake 7まであって、

Take 条件 文字列
1 親猫と子猫を数えて(数と種類を報告)ください。 親猫子猫子猫子猫子猫子猫子猫親猫親猫子猫子猫
2 簡潔に書くために同じ種類の猫が連続する場合は「猫」一文字で代用することにしました。
3 せっかく簡潔に書く記法を開発したのに適当に書くやつが現れました。そのせいで繰り返しの代わりに元の記法もOKになりました。
4 なんと列に「猫又」が混じってしまいました。親猫、子猫、猫又の数を数えてください。 子猫猫子猫猫親猫猫又猫猫猫又親猫猫猫猫又猫
5 いままでは親猫子猫猫又でしたがいろいろな種類の猫がが混じってしまいました。
6 なんと不条理な上司!登場。あろうことか、「猫又が二匹現れたらその時点で猫の種類と数を報告して作業を終了せよ」といわれました。どうしよう。。。
7 最後の試練。上司が逆ギレしています。どうやら先程の指示は上司の意図ではなかったようです。彼によると






Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5







Take 1 から、Take 7 まで全て同じパターンで処理している。

Public Function52(ByVal sCats As String, ByRef sCatType() As String, ByRef lCatCount() As Long) As Long

    Dim re          As RegExp
    Dim mc          As MatchCollection
    Dim lCount      As Long
    Dim lNekomata   As Long
    Dim sResult     As String
    Dim sTypes()    As String
    Dim lElems      As Long
    Dim i       As Long
    Dim j       As Long

    ReDim sCatType(lCount)
    ReDim lCatCount(lCount)

    lNekomata = (Len(sCats) - Len(Replace$(sCats, "猫又", ""))) \ 2

    If lNekomata > 0 Then
        ReDim Preserve sCatType(lCount)
        sCatType(lCount) = "猫又"

        ReDim Preserve lCatCount(lCount)
        lCatCount(lCount) = lNekomata

        lCount = lCount + 1
    End If52 = lCount

    sResult = Replace$(sCats, "猫", "")
    sResult = Replace$(sResult, "又", "")

    ReDim sTypes(0)

    lElems = -1

    Do Until Len(sResult) = 0
        lElems = lElems + 1

        ReDim Preserve sTypes(lElems)

        sTypes(lElems) = Left$(sResult, 1)

        sResult = Replace$(sResult, sTypes(lElems), "")

    If lElems < 0 Then
        Exit Function
    End If

    Set re = New RegExp

    With re
        .Global = True

        For i = LBound(sTypes) To UBound(sTypes)
            .Pattern = "(?:" & sTypes(i) & ")(猫*?)(?=(?:猫又|[^猫]|$))"

            Set mc = .Execute(sCats)

            sResult = ""

            For j = 0 To mc.Count - 1
                sResult = sResult & mc.Item(j).SubMatches(0)
            Next j

            If sCats Like "*" & sTypes(i) & "猫*" Then
                If Not sCats Like "*" & sTypes(i) & "猫又*" Then

                    ReDim Preserve sCatType(lCount)
                    sCatType(lCount) = sTypes(i) & "猫"

                    ReDim Preserve lCatCount(lCount)
                    lCatCount(lCount) = Len(sResult) - Len(Replace$(sResult, "猫", ""))

                    lCount = lCount + 1
                End If
            End If
        Next i
    End With52 = lCount

End Function
Take 6、Take 7用補助処理
Public Function get猫6Source(ByVal sCats As String) As String

    Dim re      As RegExp
    Dim mc      As MatchCollection
    Dim sSource As String
    Dim lResult As Long
    Dim i       As Long

    Set re = New RegExp

    With re
        .Pattern = "^(.*?猫又){2}"
        .Global = False

        Set mc = .Execute(sCats)
        If mc.Count > 0 Then
            sSource = mc.Item(0)
            sSource = sCats
        End If
    End With

    get猫6Source = sSource

End Function

Public Function get猫7Source(ByVal sCats As String) As String

    Dim re      As RegExp
    Dim mc      As MatchCollection
    Dim sSource As String

    Set re = New RegExp

    With re
        .Pattern = "^.*?[^又]猫又猫又(?!猫又)"
        .Global = True

        Set mc = .Execute(sCats)
        If mc.Count > 0 Then
            sSource = mc.Item(0)
            sSource = sCats
        End If
    End With

    get猫7Source = sSource

End Function
Public Sub 猫てすと()

    Dim sCatType()  As String
    Dim lCatCount() As Long

    Dim sCats       As String
    Dim lResult     As Long

    '----- take1 -----
    Erase sCatType, lCatCount

    sCats = "親猫子猫子猫子猫子猫子猫子猫親猫親猫子猫子猫"
    lResult =52(sCats, sCatType, lCatCount)

    Debug.Assert lResult = 2
    Debug.Assert sCatType(0) = "親猫"
    Debug.Assert lCatCount(0) = 3
    Debug.Assert sCatType(1) = "子猫"
    Debug.Assert lCatCount(1) = 8

    '----- take2 -----
    Erase sCatType, lCatCount

    sCats = "親猫猫猫子猫猫猫猫猫猫親猫子猫猫"
    lResult =52(sCats, sCatType, lCatCount)

    Debug.Assert lResult = 2
    Debug.Assert sCatType(0) = "親猫"
    Debug.Assert lCatCount(0) = 4
    Debug.Assert sCatType(1) = "子猫"
    Debug.Assert lCatCount(1) = 8

    '----- take3 -----
    Erase sCatType, lCatCount

    sCats = "子猫猫子猫猫親猫猫子猫親猫子猫親猫子猫猫子猫"
    lResult =52(sCats, sCatType, lCatCount)

    Debug.Assert lResult = 2
    Debug.Assert sCatType(0) = "子猫"
    Debug.Assert lCatCount(0) = 9
    Debug.Assert sCatType(1) = "親猫"
    Debug.Assert lCatCount(1) = 4

    '----- take4 -----
    Erase sCatType, lCatCount

    sCats = "子猫猫子猫猫親猫猫又猫猫猫又親猫猫猫猫又猫"
    lResult =52(sCats, sCatType, lCatCount)

    Debug.Assert lResult = 3
    Debug.Assert sCatType(0) = "猫又"
    Debug.Assert lCatCount(0) = 3
    Debug.Assert sCatType(1) = "子猫"
    Debug.Assert lCatCount(1) = 4
    Debug.Assert sCatType(2) = "親猫"
    Debug.Assert lCatCount(2) = 4

    '----- take5 -----
    Erase sCatType, lCatCount

    sCats = "子猫猫白猫黒猫猫猫猫親猫猫又猫猫猫又親猫猫猫猫又猫"
    lResult =52(sCats, sCatType, lCatCount)

    Debug.Assert lResult = 5
    Debug.Assert sCatType(0) = "猫又"
    Debug.Assert lCatCount(0) = 3
    Debug.Assert sCatType(1) = "子猫"
    Debug.Assert lCatCount(1) = 2
    Debug.Assert sCatType(2) = "白猫"
    Debug.Assert lCatCount(2) = 1
    Debug.Assert sCatType(3) = "黒猫"
    Debug.Assert lCatCount(3) = 4
    Debug.Assert sCatType(4) = "親猫"
    Debug.Assert lCatCount(4) = 4

    '----- take6-1 -----
    Erase sCatType, lCatCount

    sCats = "子猫猫白猫黒猫緑猫青猫猫猫猫親猫猫又猫猫猫又青猫親猫猫猫猫又猫"
    sCats = get猫6Source(sCats)

    lResult =52(sCats, sCatType, lCatCount)

    Debug.Assert lResult = 7
    Debug.Assert sCatType(0) = "猫又"
    Debug.Assert lCatCount(0) = 2
    Debug.Assert sCatType(1) = "子猫"
    Debug.Assert lCatCount(1) = 2
    Debug.Assert sCatType(2) = "白猫"
    Debug.Assert lCatCount(2) = 1
    Debug.Assert sCatType(3) = "黒猫"
    Debug.Assert lCatCount(3) = 1
    Debug.Assert sCatType(4) = "緑猫"
    Debug.Assert lCatCount(4) = 1
    Debug.Assert sCatType(5) = "青猫"
    Debug.Assert lCatCount(5) = 4
    Debug.Assert sCatType(6) = "親猫"
    Debug.Assert lCatCount(6) = 1

    '----- take6-12 -----
    Erase sCatType, lCatCount

    sCats = "子猫猫白猫黒猫緑猫青猫猫猫猫親猫猫又猫猫青猫親猫猫猫猫"
    sCats = get猫6Source(sCats)

    lResult =52(sCats, sCatType, lCatCount)

    Debug.Assert lResult = 7
    Debug.Assert sCatType(0) = "猫又"
    Debug.Assert lCatCount(0) = 1
    Debug.Assert sCatType(1) = "子猫"
    Debug.Assert lCatCount(1) = 2
    Debug.Assert sCatType(2) = "白猫"
    Debug.Assert lCatCount(2) = 1
    Debug.Assert sCatType(3) = "黒猫"
    Debug.Assert lCatCount(3) = 1
    Debug.Assert sCatType(4) = "緑猫"
    Debug.Assert lCatCount(4) = 1
    Debug.Assert sCatType(5) = "青猫"
    Debug.Assert lCatCount(5) = 5
    Debug.Assert sCatType(6) = "親猫"
    Debug.Assert lCatCount(6) = 5

    '----- take7-1 -----
    Erase sCatType, lCatCount

    sCats = "子猫猫白猫黒猫緑猫青猫猫猫猫親猫猫又猫猫猫又青猫親猫猫猫猫又猫"
    sCats = get猫7Source(sCats)

    lResult =52(sCats, sCatType, lCatCount)

    Debug.Assert lResult = 7
    Debug.Assert sCatType(0) = "猫又"
    Debug.Assert lCatCount(0) = 3
    Debug.Assert sCatType(1) = "子猫"
    Debug.Assert lCatCount(1) = 2
    Debug.Assert sCatType(2) = "白猫"
    Debug.Assert lCatCount(2) = 1
    Debug.Assert sCatType(3) = "黒猫"
    Debug.Assert lCatCount(3) = 1
    Debug.Assert sCatType(4) = "緑猫"
    Debug.Assert lCatCount(4) = 1
    Debug.Assert sCatType(5) = "青猫"
    Debug.Assert lCatCount(5) = 5
    Debug.Assert sCatType(6) = "親猫"
    Debug.Assert lCatCount(6) = 4

    '----- take7-2 -----
    Erase sCatType, lCatCount

    sCats = "子猫猫白猫黒猫緑猫青猫猫猫猫親猫猫又猫又青猫親猫猫猫猫又猫"
    sCats = get猫7Source(sCats)

    lResult =52(sCats, sCatType, lCatCount)

    Debug.Assert lResult = 7
    Debug.Assert sCatType(0) = "猫又"
    Debug.Assert lCatCount(0) = 2
    Debug.Assert sCatType(1) = "子猫"
    Debug.Assert lCatCount(1) = 2
    Debug.Assert sCatType(2) = "白猫"
    Debug.Assert lCatCount(2) = 1
    Debug.Assert sCatType(3) = "黒猫"
    Debug.Assert lCatCount(3) = 1
    Debug.Assert sCatType(4) = "緑猫"
    Debug.Assert lCatCount(4) = 1
    Debug.Assert sCatType(5) = "青猫"
    Debug.Assert lCatCount(5) = 4
    Debug.Assert sCatType(6) = "親猫"
    Debug.Assert lCatCount(6) = 1

    Debug.Print "Done."

End Sub

Debug.Assert で済ませたので、イミディエイトウィンドウに






  • Take 1~5 限定です。
  • 正規表現バージョンより、精度が低いです。
  • お題で提示されているデータは、クリアしますが、元になる猫データが変わると、要件をクリアできない場合があります
  • 正規表現バージョンとは、出力順が違います。


Public Function 猫猫(ByVal sCats As String, ByRef sCatType() As String, ByRef lCatCount() As Long) As Long

    Dim dicCount    As Dictionary
    Dim lLength     As Long
    Dim lStartPos   As Long
    Dim lOffset     As Long
    Dim sCurrentType    As String
    Dim sType       As String
    Dim lCount      As Long

    lLength = Len(sCats)

    If lLength < 2 Then
        Exit Function
    End If

    Set dicCount = New Dictionary

    lStartPos = 1
    lOffset = 0

    sCurrentType = ""
    sType = Mid$(sCats, lStartPos, 1)

    Do While True
        Select Case sType
        Case "猫"
            If Mid$(sCats, lStartPos + lOffset + 1, 1) <> "又" Then
                lCount = lCount + 1
                lOffset = lOffset + 1
                lStartPos = lStartPos + lOffset + 2
                lOffset = 0

                If dicCount.Exists("又") = True Then
                    dicCount.Item("又") = dicCount.Item("又") + 1
                    dicCount.Add "又", 1
                End If

                If Len(sCurrentType) > 0 Then
                    If dicCount.Exists(sCurrentType) = True Then
                        dicCount.Item(sCurrentType) = dicCount.Item(sCurrentType) + lCount
                    End If
                End If

                sCurrentType = ""
            End If
        Case Else
            If sCurrentType <> sType Then
                lStartPos = lStartPos + lOffset + 1
                lOffset = 0

                If dicCount.Exists(sCurrentType) = True Then
                    dicCount.Item(sCurrentType) = dicCount.Item(sCurrentType) + lCount
                End If

                If Len(sType) > 0 Then
                    If dicCount.Exists(sType) = False Then
                        dicCount.Add sType, 0
                    End If
                End If

                sCurrentType = sType

                lCount = 0
                lOffset = lOffset + 1
            End If
        End Select

        sType = Mid$(sCats, lStartPos + lOffset, 1)

        '終了判定(lStartPos + lOffset > lLength で、sType = ""となる)
        If Len(sType) = 0 Then
            If Len(sCurrentType) > 0 Then
                dicCount.Item(sCurrentType) = dicCount.Item(sCurrentType) + lCount
            End If

            Exit Do
        End If

    Dim v As Variant
    Dim lElems  As Long

    ReDim sCatType(dicCount.Count - 1)
    ReDim lCatCount(dicCount.Count - 1)

    For Each v In dicCount
        If Len(v) > 0 Then
            If dicCount.Item(v) > 0 Then
                If v <> "又" Then
                    sCatType(lElems) = v & "猫"
                    sCatType(lElems) = "猫" & v
                End If
                lCatCount(lElems) = dicCount.Item(v)

                lElems = lElems + 1
            End If
        End If
    Next v

    If dicCount.Count <> lElems Then
        ReDim Preserve sCatType(lElems - 1)
        ReDim Preserve lCatCount(lElems - 1)
    End If

    猫猫 = lElems

End Function


Public Sub 猫猫テスト()

    Dim sCatType()  As String
    Dim lCatCount() As Long

    Dim sCats       As String
    Dim lResult     As Long

    '----- take1 -----
    Erase sCatType, lCatCount

    sCats = "親猫子猫子猫子猫子猫子猫子猫親猫親猫子猫子猫"
    lResult = 猫猫(sCats, sCatType, lCatCount)

    Debug.Assert lResult = 2
    Debug.Assert sCatType(0) = "親猫"
    Debug.Assert lCatCount(0) = 3
    Debug.Assert sCatType(1) = "子猫"
    Debug.Assert lCatCount(1) = 8

    '----- take2 -----
    Erase sCatType, lCatCount

    sCats = "親猫猫猫子猫猫猫猫猫猫親猫子猫猫"
    lResult = 猫猫(sCats, sCatType, lCatCount)

    Debug.Assert lResult = 2
    Debug.Assert sCatType(0) = "親猫"
    Debug.Assert lCatCount(0) = 4
    Debug.Assert sCatType(1) = "子猫"
    Debug.Assert lCatCount(1) = 8

    '----- take3 -----
    Erase sCatType, lCatCount

    sCats = "子猫猫子猫猫親猫猫子猫親猫子猫親猫子猫猫子猫"
    lResult = 猫猫(sCats, sCatType, lCatCount)

    Debug.Assert lResult = 2
    Debug.Assert sCatType(0) = "子猫"
    Debug.Assert lCatCount(0) = 9
    Debug.Assert sCatType(1) = "親猫"
    Debug.Assert lCatCount(1) = 4

    '----- take4 -----
    Erase sCatType, lCatCount

    sCats = "子猫猫子猫猫親猫猫又猫猫猫又親猫猫猫猫又猫"
    lResult = 猫猫(sCats, sCatType, lCatCount)

    Debug.Assert lResult = 3
    Debug.Assert sCatType(0) = "子猫"
    Debug.Assert lCatCount(0) = 4
    Debug.Assert sCatType(1) = "親猫"
    Debug.Assert lCatCount(1) = 4
    Debug.Assert sCatType(2) = "猫又"
    Debug.Assert lCatCount(2) = 3

    '----- take5 -----
    Erase sCatType, lCatCount

    sCats = "子猫猫白猫黒猫猫猫猫親猫猫又猫猫猫又親猫猫猫猫又猫"
    lResult = 猫猫(sCats, sCatType, lCatCount)

    Debug.Assert lResult = 5
    Debug.Assert sCatType(0) = "子猫"
    Debug.Assert lCatCount(0) = 2
    Debug.Assert sCatType(1) = "白猫"
    Debug.Assert lCatCount(1) = 1
    Debug.Assert sCatType(2) = "黒猫"
    Debug.Assert lCatCount(2) = 4
    Debug.Assert sCatType(3) = "親猫"
    Debug.Assert lCatCount(3) = 4
    Debug.Assert sCatType(4) = "猫又"
    Debug.Assert lCatCount(4) = 3

    Debug.Print "Done."

End Sub